Wednesday, July 8, 2015

1:16 AM

Post: Girls' Generation attacks with preceding single PARTY MV
Source: 韓流音悅Tai via Weibo
Reposts: 13008 Comments: 2491 Likes: 4840

1. [+572] To be honest, I really respect Soshi. They made it big through hook songs but they did not stick to them because of that. Soshi really gives off the "none of my business" vibe in midst of this competition to release hook songs to secure positions on the chart among other girl groups. The songs they release are unique and are not necessarily what the public might be looking for. Plus, Soshi's songs, no matter what the reactions are by the first listen, are always songs you will never get tired of. [good][good]

2. [+280] Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona, I have to repeat the names of important people thrice 💕💕

3. [+242] Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona Im Yoona

4. [+205] Kim Taeyeon!!!!!

5. [+217] Im Yoona, pretty ttm!

6. [+189] Im Yoona's beauty rules [崩溃][崩溃][崩溃][崩溃]

7. [+167] Kim Taeyeon Kim Taeyeon Kim Taeyeon Kim Taeyeon [心][心][心]

8. [+182] Yoona~~~~

9. [+141] Beautiful face beautiful voice Kim Taeyeon!! [哆啦A梦花心][哆啦A梦花心][哆啦A梦花心]

10. [+88] Im Yoona!!!! Take my life! Take my kidney too!!!


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