Wednesday, July 1, 2015

12:22 AM

Post: [instiz] Girls' Generation's fans gone mad with photo editing... Last pic being the original pic
Reposts: 1526 Comments: 692 Likes: 6758

1. [+217] It's just because we love them too much [doge]

2. [+186] All evidence point out the fact that, they are all true love fans

3. [+167] We'll never know how the pretty pictures my jiejie release will end up to be like [拜拜] Hurts my heart and I wanna say, please continue [doge]

4. [+155] Hahaha like idol like fans. SONEs are good at this, and this is just one of the many sets.  Soshi fans are all pros, the girls even liked some of the photoshopped pictures on SNS.

5. [+132] It's just the way fans of this boy group of ours are [害羞]

6. [+81] A bunch of stepmother fans [doge]


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