Friday, May 15, 2015

10:59 PM

Post: Mnet 'Show Me The Money 4' releases promotional pictures of judges
Source: 韓流音悅Tai via Weibo
Reposts: 1286 Comments: 351 Likes: 1097

1. [+41] The only popular show in China  that China doesn't dare to copy. Not because China doesn't have good rappers, but because China doesn't have mentors who are cool enough 

2. [+31] No DOK2, not happy!!

3. [+20] Am I supposed to watch the judges or the contestants for this season

4. [+22] No The Q, I'm unhappeh [doge]

5. [+20] And AOMG is taking charge of the visual [doge]

6. [+19] I'll wait for you~~~ Song Mino

7. [+15] YG Family gods are all handsome!! [心]

8. [+11] zico [心][兔子][兔子]


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