Monday, May 11, 2015

4:39 PM

Post: Sehun smiling at female airport security staff's comment to 'eat more, you're too skinny'
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 8659 Comments: 3422 Likes: 25112

1. [+767] Tell me I'm not the only one staring at the crotch!! [阴险][阴险]

2. [+660] Don't tell me I am the only one whose eyes can't leave the crotch [拜拜]

3. [+550] So I'm the only one who noticed the crotch?

4. [+441] What I'm focusing on mustn't be quite right [doge]

5. [+388] Isn't the best job in the world to be a security check staff at the airport? [泪][泪] Touch whenever you want, and you can engage in a one-on-one conversation and on top of that you get paid [泪][泪] Practically heartbroken [泪][泪] I wish to look for such jobs [泪][泪]

6. [+333] What's supposed to be big is big [doge]

7. [+294] Baby face, gigantic [doge] Oh Sehun

8. [+263] Doraemon no. 1!

9. [+187] Those who said they only noticed the crotch are noona fans right? [doge][doge][doge][doge]

10. [+94] Oh Sehun is freaking handsome [泪][泪][泪] Good figure with an exceptional aura [泪][泪][泪]


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