Thursday, May 21, 2015

12:34 AM

Post: Asia popular idol Huang Zitao endorses 'Ultimate War Team', possible chances of further partnership 
Source: 265G via Weibo
Reposts: 4833 Comments: 967 Likes: 2024

1. [+76] Heard that this game isn't that difficult to play

2. [+74] Okay, I'll play the game for your sake

3. [+80] Gosh, Huang Zitao is too handsome! I'll definitely play this game! It's gonna get big!

4. [+76] Give me Huang Zitao's username [拜拜]

5. [+64] Supporting Huang Zitao!!!

6. [+68] Hair color!!! [泪][泪][泪] Looks really good! Playing the game! [抓狂][抓狂][抓狂]

7. [+56] Games that Taotao endorses must be real fun, definitely supporting him [好棒]


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