Saturday, May 16, 2015

9:00 PM

Post: [instiz] Jessica who has gotten prettier recently
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 1523 Comments: 1384 Likes: 10615

1. [+288] What do you mean by recently [怒骂] She has always been this pretty, okay!!! [怒骂]

2. [+236] Been a fan ever since the day she left the group! [害羞]

3. [+228] What is "recently" [挖鼻][挖鼻] My jiejie has been pretty for 26 years! [爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你]

4. [+231] [doge][doge][doge] I'm already upset over the use of the word "recently". Don't expect me to forgive you for always using my fave's pretty pictures

5. [+192] [嘘][嘘][嘘] No idea why I find her prettier in her pictures after she left the group

6. [+185] My Sica has always been pretty 

7. [+144] Move away please, you guys are not allowed to see my Ca's pretty face

8. [+137] It's been so long, and I still don't know why you kept taking photos under the same tree with changed hairstyles [微笑][微笑][微笑] One with bun [微笑] Another one with shades and your hair down. [微笑] Posted 5 photos in 3 days, all with the same clothes [微笑] My heart is totally crumbling [微笑]


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