Thursday, May 14, 2015

12:22 AM

Post: BIGBANG confirms to appear on Running Man with all members
Source: 韓流音悅Tai via Weibo
Reposts: 8162 Comments: 1923 Likes: 4777

1. [+102] Gonna watch variety shows till we drop!!! It's all Yoo-god's shows. We're just missing Infinity Challenge... [偷笑]

2. [+84] YG is genuinely a family with SBS...

3. [+88] Let me cry for a while [泪流满面][泪流满面] Finally don't have to dwell on past variety show appearances

4. [+66] Finally don't have to repeat the 2012 ones [拜拜][拜拜]

5. [+59] Could you please appear on Infinity Challenge [可怜][可怜][可怜] Begging for a full-member on Infinity Challenge again

6. [+55] Are they attending all of Yoo-god's shows... They're attending both Happy Together and Running Man already, let's just appear on Infinity Challenge too... Can they then take part in this year's Song Festival~


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