Saturday, May 16, 2015

8:33 PM

Post: [instiz] Let the chic and blur little gege start your day~
Source: 韓國me2day
Reposts: 1078 Comments: 462 Likes: 7391

1. [+92] [拜拜][拜拜] Don't understand some people. They are brothers for heaven's sake why are you even comparing. I like both anyway

2. [+74] I can't see how Seoeon will lose to Seojun. Looks wise, I think Seoeon doesn't lose to Seojun. Character wise, I feel that both have their own strengths. Little player does love to cry a lot, but can't anyone see how this kid likes to laugh a lot, too? And the problem on his speech development. I can only say, a genius speaks late. [熊猫][熊猫]

3. [+60] [拜拜] Speaking so harshly to a kid. Seoeon doesn't lose to any kid out there . Don't understand why there would be many people criticizing a baby. Simply because he loves to cry? Definitely not. I just want to see Seoeon grow up happily and healthily. A show is ultimately just a show. I love Eon baby, I love Eon baby.

4. [+50] Can't even spare some mercy on a child. Those who are here to state who they like more please scram. They definitely don't need a fan like you. Doing this to idols is already pushing the limits, and now you aren't even letting a child off. Enough.

5. [+39] Hehe, Chinese netizens' caliber is seriously... Is there really a need to compare? It's your business that you like the younger one more, why did you have to put Seoeon down like this. You have to be clear that, they are brothers who will accompany each other for the rest of their lives, while we will always remain as bystanders.

6. [+36] Weren't the pictures of Seojun being carried by two handsome dudes all over the net yesterday? Why do you still have to ask for Seojun when an old picture of Seoeon is posted?


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