Tuesday, May 19, 2015

1:00 AM

Post: [instiz] Japanese website reveals Top 100 ranking of Korean celebrities' Instagram follower count
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 5119 Comments: 3658 Likes: 10423

Original photo link: http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/93f8d29dtw1es8pgonvu9g20f04x6tfx.gif

1. [+788] As expected, it's GD

2. [+667] TOP oppa just started his account not too long ago 

3. [+619] Teenage web addict Kwon Jiyong [doge]

4. [+622] Who's in the first place! Say it out loud!

5. [+401] Kwon Jiyong aaaaaaah! My husband is number one yoz [羞嗒嗒][羞嗒嗒]

6. [+359] Park Chanyeol third!

7. [+314] Chanyeol Chanyeol!! Our Chanyeol's follower count is hitting 4.0M soon~ 

8. [+305] Park Chanyeol~


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