Thursday, May 28, 2015

2:48 PM

Post: Huang Zitao releases a photo with his mother
Source: Sina Entertainment via Weibo
Reposts: 2237 Comments: 2243 Likes: 4662

1. [+544] I really think he looks like the typical hairdressers from the small barbershops in my neighborhood. Reminds me of the boys who used to look at themselves in the mirror and smoke everyday in high school

2. [+524] Am I the only one who feels like this looks PS-ed?

3. [+415] Honestly speaking, is this really not PS-ed?

4. [+392] So professional. Not forgetting to put on makeup even during recovery period [笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]

5. [+367] Playing the family card again. Using family members as shield

6. [+356] Tao-ge is so handsome, his mother is so young. Their genes is really good. Rest well in America. Will be waiting for you. [心][心][心]

7. [+349] Looking uglier the more I look at him. Even coming up with weird antics

8. [+335] They look alike!!! His mother is really young-looking!!! Spending time with mum, that's good [心]

9. [+304] Huang Zitao mama is really young [心] Huang Zitao is really handsome [心]

10. [+299] The mother is too young

11. [+287] Tao mama is so young and pretty [好爱哦]

12. [+259] Thought this was a cheap effect

13. [+212] ... Is this really not PS-ed?

14. [+192] Totally no signs of PS


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