Friday, May 15, 2015

8:51 PM

Post: [instiz] EXO's fans use handphone flashlight to support EXO 
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 1881 Comments: 541 Likes: 3993

1. [+130] Our kimchi counterparts give EXO the silver ocean no matter what. Are we really not going to consider a silver ocean at their Chinese concerts?

2. [+101] Look, it's so easy to achieve silver ocean

3. [+109] Even with phones Korean fans manage to present a silver ocean. What about us [微笑]

4. [+108] This is why EXO is the trend. The fans are not boasting. When they were popular in China, every one tries to brainwash by saying that they do not have national recognition in Korea. To say something demoralizing, I seriously think that EXO got even more popular after someone left... [拜拜][拜拜][拜拜] And, listening to the cheering live, it totally became their own concert [拜拜]

5. [+82] Wherever EXO goes, there will be silver ocean! [爱你]

6. [+62] A refreshing kind of silver ocean [泪流满面][泪流满面][泪流满面]

7. [+69] EXO and EXO-L [心][心][心] It's only EXO that turns a combined concert into their own [喵喵]


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