Friday, May 15, 2015

12:02 AM

Post: [instiz] Chen's update on EXO-L official site
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 2390 Comments: 1074 Likes: 9376

"Today's Rose Day!!! The red rose is definitely beautiful but.. I think I like EXO-Ls more. You will accept me right?"

T/N: May 14 is Rose Day/ Yellow Day in Korea.

1. [+200] Passerby expresses, tea egg really cares about EXO-Ls... Nine out of 10 pictures or posts on SNS, Weibo, Instagram, Twitter and all will have them doing the L sign or mentioning Ls. (EXO is) Really good. [微笑]

2. [+171] Now every one of them are starting to tease girls [拜拜]

3. [+138] Now every member is an expert at getting girls [拜拜][拜拜][拜拜]

4. [+137] Player level at getting girls [doge][doge] And Chen is obviously good at taking selcas

5. [+100] Even Chen is starting to tease fans[偷乐]

6. [+83] I accept I accept I accept. Have to repeat important things thrice.

7. [+66] Straightforward enough. You're my style [doge]

8. [+56] Have to accept. Come with me [害羞]


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