Sunday, May 10, 2015

10:03 PM

Post: [instiz] Let smiling angel Chen wish y'all good morning~
Source: 韓國me2day via Weibo
Reposts: 3068 Comments: 984 Likes: 12572

1. [+135] Let's have more posts on Chen in the future [挤眼]

2. [+94] Ahhhh our club leader* is cute to the max when he doesn't carry a knife!

3. [+81] I'm considered a passerby when it comes to EXO, but my impression of Chen is exceptionally good

4. [+28] Chenchen has got to be the kindest idol I've seen, hope the world treats him well

5. [+58] Feels so good to see him early in the morning [心]

6. [+48] Good morning, angel Chen

* T/N: Chen is known by Chinese EXO fans as the trolling club leader since he often, metaphorically, "stabs" (with a knife) an already injured member, kind of like rubbing salt into a wound.


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